Sunday, April 14, 2013

Springbreak leftovers...

I still had a few random pictures from our Spring Break that now seems like centuries ago.

This was how Spring Break started...

 Yep, pretty much a poster for, "COME TO IDAHO FOR SPRING BREAK!"

Our first morning off started bright and early with Michael's Swim Meet.  He just did a fun junior league for a few months and they do one big swim meet at the end.  He did great! 

It was fun to have his cousin Emmaline doing it too. 

These next two are pictures Ryan sent me on the way home from California.  Sophie looks pretty relaxed here!  If only she had been like this the entire trip...

So grateful for technology on those long drives.

Monday of Spring Break the kids were already going stir crazy and fighting.  I pulled out the clay to distract them from each other and this is what I got...

Even the dog knew it was Spring Break...except that she thinks every day is Spring Break. 

As a reward for doing chores one night we went out for ice cream.  

Michael was depressed it was "Soft Ice Cream".  He wanted Reed's Dairy.  Tough life, tough life. 

 We also hit the movies one afternoon. 

And I hit the Laundry Mat.  

My washer is this TINY thing and we have some serious laundry around here.  This was not even "getting behind".  It was like three days total.  I decided to just get it done in a couple hours instead of a couple days of round-the-clock laundry at my place.  

I pretended I was a spy and snapped this picture of these two folding their laundry. I am guessing they are newly married.  They seriously had like nothing and I started folding at the same time as they did.  They had two people and I beat them with like 18 loads of laundry to fold.  The picture above is not even all of it.  Okay, so my piles are not perfect.  I realized that my kids TOSS their clothes into their drawers and so there is no point in military style folding.  I must say I am VERY fast though.  I think I could enter a competition for folding laundry at high speeds.  As I looked at this couples perfect little piles of underwear and whatnot I (rudely) thought to myself, "That's how you do laundry when you don't have kids and you have extra time on your hands."  I know, I am bad like that.  The next time someone ask me what my talents are or what I do in my free time, instead of racking my brain like I usually do (Um, let's see, I am really good at making boxed brownies).... I will tell them I am really fast at folding clothes....that and making up scenarios about random strangers I see in public.  

James threw some water out in front of our door....and look what we found the next morning. 

 And cousin Sadie just looked cute, so I snapped a picture of her...

Ice Crystals seem a fitting way to end Spring Break around here.  

I hope we really catch a break and Spring comes quickly! 

1 comment:

  1. We were talking about the talents we've developed as mothers at Learning Circle tonight. . . I said that I've gotten really good at knowing my limits. Not nearly as cool as being a laundry-folding champion. P.S. I think you should check out that house on Eccles when you come visit next month.
